I made a drive up to Ponca early Saturday morning with the intent of photographing elk. My brother David and his family are up from Texas visiting his in-laws in Harrison so he met me there. We drove through Boxley Valley looking for our subject but visibility was realy poor. There was a heavy fog in the valley and even if the elk were there, taking a picture of them was out of the question. As it turns out the elk did not come out of the forest on that day. According to a lady at the Elk Education Center in Ponca, the elk are feeding on acorns and that tends to keep them in the woods. They still venture into the fields but there is no way to predict when. It would be a case of the right place at the right time to get a photo. Oh well...we drove down to Steel Creek to check it out and ran in to Michael Dougherty while we were there. Michael is a local photographer that earns his living photographing the Buffalo River region and is especially good at photographing elk. I am adding his website to my links so you can check it out. He is always full of information about where the elk might be or where to take landscape photos, etc. After visiting with him for a while, David and I went down to the low water bridge in Ponca and took a few shots there. The leaves are starting to change color now. Below are a couple of examples.
The Buffalo River from the Low Water Bridge in Ponca (In the fog)
A bluff down river from the low water bridge.