I participated in the Backyard Bird Count this year. The way it works is from February 15th through the 18th people were asked to observe and count birds for at least 15 minutes one or all of the days. You then go to the website
www.birdsource.org/gbbc and submit your counts. They have an online checklist so you can pick each bird you saw and enter the number seen. The last time I checked (this is Sunday evening) there have been over 28,000 checklists submitted and over 3,290,000 birds counted so far. This count is done annually for a four day period so you might want to give it a try next year. I keep a bird feeder stocked most of the year so it was easy for me to just sit and watch. The following are some of the birds that visit my feeder on a regular basis:
The first bird is a House Finch. This bird was first introduced to the US, in New York City, illegally around 50 years ago as cage birds. When the law started breathing down the necks of the dealers, they released the birds into the wild. They can now be found in most of the United States.
House Finch

Black Capped Chickadee
Dark-Eyed Junco (Prefers to feed on the ground)
The next bird is the Red-Breasted Nuthatch Nuthatches are the only birds can can climb headfirst down a tree trunk. They mate for life.
Red-Breasted Nuthatch

Tufted Titmouse
Black-Capped Chickadee
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Red-Breasted Nuthatch